Ming L Tchou, our Founder and President, has always been someone who is interested in looking around her and ferreting out the need of whatever is hiding in plain sight. In 2019 in a casual conversation with Christine Marran then Chairman of the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of MN, Ming found out that many students in the Department’s Chinese Flagship Program (https://chineseflagship.umn.edu/#:~:text=Located%20in%20the%20heart%20of,their%20success%20as%20global%20professionals) were In need of financial assistance. As is her practice, Ming promptly sent over a check. Christine posted the opportunities In the afternoon when the check arrived, and by evening, all the applications had already been examined and funds given out. Stunned by the speed and therefore the extent of the need, Ming decided to establish an endowed scholarship fund in the Department and the Department of History, open to undergraduates who are interested either in the study of the Chinese language or its history. Both Christine and Ann Waltner, Professor of History in the Department of History and administrator of the CHF Graduate Fellowship in History, were thrilled with Ming’s generosity and deeply touched with her commitment to the understanding of Chinese language and history. Being an endowed fund, it will provide much needed financial assistance to students in perpetuity.


2019 Ming L Tchou Scholarship Fund
Ming L Tchou, our Founder and President, has always been someone who is interested in looking around her and ferreting out the need of whatever is hiding in plain sight. In 2019...
CHF Graduate Fellowship in History at University of Minnesota
A Graduate Fellowship in the Department of History was created in 2006 at the University of Minnesota by the Dr. M. F. Tchou Memorial Fund and the Choi-Chiu and King-Wo Lam Family Fund of the Chinese Heritage Foundation. Together with a match from the University's 21st Century Graduate Fellowship Endowment, funds will support one or more full-time graduate students each year beginning in September. This Fellowship is created especially for the study of WWII in China...