The Chinese Heritage Foundation offers several options for your charitable interests. The options are listed on this page. Links are provided for you to give online through the secure website of our administrator, The Minneapolis Foundation. To give via U. S. mail, please send your gifts to our postal address:

Chinese Heritage Foundation Grants Fund
The Minneapolis Foundation
800 IDS Center
80 South 8th Street
Minneapolis MN 55402

Please indicate to which Fund you would like your donation directed.  All undesignated donations will go to the Chinese Heritage Foundation Grants Fund.

I. Chinese Heritage Foundation Grants Fund
You may give to our Chinese Heritage Foundation Grants Fund and become a member of our Foundation. We regularly move donations from this Grants Fund into our endowed CHF Fund that remains in perpetuity at The Minneapolis Foundation, and income produced from this Fund goes to grant awards that the Foundation gives out every year. There are two levels of membership:

Annual Donors
A gift of any amount will qualify you as an annual member of the year in which you give. Membership benefits include voting privileges to select the Foundation’s Advisory Committee’s rotating members and eligibility to serve on the Committee.

Founding Donors
A donation of $1000 or more will be acknowledged as a Lifetime Founding Membership. Founding memberships will close when we reach 100 founding donors.

Donate now

II.Create a Donor Advised Fund

You may wish to direct your own giving in support of our mission and create your own Donor Advised Funds under our umbrella. This is a wonderful way to create a legacy and to involve the next generation in charitable giving. Families have found that getting together to discuss grantmaking helps to create special bonds among family members and that the experience proves to be a rewarding one.

You will have total control of your Fund. Our only recommendation is that a significant portion of your grants be given in support of our funding priorities.

Donor Advised Funds require a minimum balance of $10,000. For more information to set up your own Donor Advised Fund, please contact us at [email protected]

Read about our current Donor Advised Funds and their diverse interests. Learn about their goals and aspirations for the future of our community and join them.

III. Planned Gifts
Preserve your charitable legacy beyond your lifetime and include our Foundation in your estate planning. This is a very meaningful way to ensure the vibrancy of our community. There are many types of planned gifts for you to consider:

Beneficiary Designation
Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Lead Trust
Real Estate Gift

For more information please contact us at [email protected]


Donation Options
Donor Advised Funds
Several individuals have created their own Donor Advised Funds within the Chinese Heritage Foundation, where a significant portion of their giving will follow the funding guidelines of the Foundation...
Founding Donors
Individuals and families who have contributed $1000 or more become lifetime Founding Donors of the Chinese Heritage Foundation. All founding donors, as is true of all annual donors who have given more than $100, are eligible to serve...
Annual Donors
A donor who has made a contribution of $100 or more to the Chinese Heritage Foundation (excluding those in honor or in memorial of a friend/loved one, and corporate gifts) becomes, in the year of his/her donation, eligible to...